Listen to office voicemail on the go. Have your voicemails automatically emailed to you as audio files (.WAV format).

Hunt group
Assign your staff to a particular group (eg. Sales team) and set up a number that rings all group members.

Auto attendant
Greet callers with an interactive welcome menu (eg. Press 1 for Accounts, Press 2 for Sales). Also called an IVR.

Divert to multiple
Divert to a mobile, and optionally, set up a chain of diversions (to other mobiles and landlines) if that number rings out.

Never 'busy'
Don’t lose calls to the ‘busy’ tone. If your line is busy, calls can be set up to overflow to other lines and numbers.

Simultaneous ring
Create a custom ringing pattern. Have calls ring a group of staff, either one-by-one, or all at the same time.

Call park & pickup
Need to take a call somewhere private? Simply ‘park’ the call and pick it up from a different office extension.

Do not disturb
If you need to take a break, DND lets you present a ‘busy’ tone. Incoming calls will go to voicemail or (if set up) redirected.

Call forwarding
When your line is busy, call forwarding directs your incoming calls to a different number (instead of voicemail).
Your deskphone in your pocket
Our Cloud Softphone App lets you take the power of your desktop phone with you wherever you go. Leveraging the device, native contact list or your corporate directory, you can make and receive voice calls, send messages and see users presence, all in one application as if sitting at your desk. Customers will receive calls from your office phone number, via the softphone app.

Softphone (Standalone)
Our Cloud Softphone App lets you take the power of your desktop phone with you wherever you go.
Leveraging the device’s native contact list or your corporate directory, you can make and receive voice calls, send messages and see users’ presence, all in one application – as if sitting at your desk. And your customers will receive calls from your office phone number, via the softphone app.
Minimum of five. Please see our bundles for more options.
No minimum contract term.

Get your business mobile
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- Unlimited calling options
- Unlimited intra-account calls
- Great data inclusions